I think you should see this movie with your sister, I am sure she will love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The High School Musical movies have been banking in alot since the first flick, considerably due to the fact that its made for teens and young children. Disney has created these sequels because of the reviews received by the young community. To see the full movie review and understand why these movies have been so successful, visit the site listed below. Enjoy the movie.
Yes of course it is a disney channel movie it is rated PG so it is a good movie it is not a bad movie i heard it will be really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A teenager and gonna go see it..and tons of these 15-18 year old girls/boys are gonna go see it too..its fun and something to do with ur friends and who cares what others think about it..cuz all that matters is what u think about it
HSM 3 is a teen movie and it is probably one of the best disney channel original movies. I'm lovin' HSM and HSM2 and REEEEAAALLLLYYY looking forward to the third one
It's not necessarily a "kids" movie but its very entertaining, fun and good to watch.
Its not a bad movie at all I luv high school musical and I have seen it so many times and its not even funny!!
Three words.... BEST.MOVIE.EVER.