Vanessa Hudgens is looking tough in leather duds in the first Sucker Punch poster. The first poster is out and showing off Vanessa Hudgens, along with her co-stars Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish, Jamie Chung and others in black leather, fishnets, and dark make-up.
We've never seen Vanessa in a role like this one - it appears to be tough, but also very sxey at the same time. "Sucker Punch" is described by film-makers as Alice in Wonderland with machine guns. If that's not enough to get you into theaters I don't know what is. The basic plot will center around a young girl in the 1950's who is placed in an institution by her evil stepfather. In an effort to escape her horrific reality, she starts to imagine another life for herself. She then hatches her plan to escape from her imaginary world but first she'll have to steal 5 objects.
Sucker Punch is set for a March 2011 release.
Let's follow.. Sucker Punch Vanessa Hudgens Comic-Con 2010 Exclusive Interview..
Vanessa is not just the most beautiful woman on earth, but an amazing performer as an actress, dancer and singer. She brings happiness, goodness and love to the world through all her performances. If you shutting that out then that's your problem and your decision, but it exists for all who are open to receive it. We should all appreciate Vanessa and send her thoughts of love because she brings so much love to the world.
Vanessa Hudgens is so beautiful. and i heard from a lot of people that went to comic con, they were blown away at sucker punch trailer. Zack snyder said he worked on sucerpunch for 8 years so it HAS to be good! Cant wait to see the trailer myself. Thsi movie is goning to be epic..!