"Vanessa Hudgens-Whole Dane Cook"
What do you think about the whole Dane Cook and Vanessa Hudgens thing?
I think BRAVO to Dane Cook. He had the cojones to say to her what Disney is too afraid to say. I'm so sick of these teen stars acting like little sleazes and then trying to be all cute and perfect. Dane Cook was right. Vanessa Hudgens, you've got to keep your clothes on. Have some morals.
by Bree
Honestly, yeah I mean that sucks to be called out like that, but the girl had it comming, she shouldn't have done that!
Okay like I would call it really below the belt if it was the first time she'd done it, but forreal that needed to be said. Like she did it again! Like she's deserved to get talked to about that, when she's being dumb! Have some respect for yourself. Plus it was hilarious. I mean there could have been a better time and place for the joke on that, but at least dane cook had the balls to say what disney, and all her lame fans couldnt. She's looks like a dumb slut in her pictures. Stupid girl, even though i feel bad for her, she deserved that ****.by Hullow!!...
I'm OK with vanessa hudgens and all she made a few mistakes. but i got nothing against her, and I like Dane cook, even though i don't think it was the time or place to say that, i don't think he should apologize for saying what he thought because he knew damn well what he was doing he's a grown man even if it was a joke, and this wouldn't have happened if she'd thought twice about the pics but we all make mistake...*sigh* its good to get that off my chest.lol O_oby llamalov...
well i kinda feel bad for "vanessa hudgens" cuz thats must have been SOOO embarassing in front of millions of ppl but its not like she didnt see it coming
and for u ppl who r saying it was rude to do it in front of kids, it was the TEEN CHOICE AWARDS there are shows like the secret life and gossip girl nominated so i dont think that remark was such a big dealby xXallieX...
yea Vanessa did kind of deserve that. But at the same time, i think theres a time and place for everything and that may have not been the best time and place to say that. Then again, niether was Miley's pole dancing. Although Vanessa did deserve it, and it is the TEEN choice awards but some ppl let their little kids watch it too soo i think he should have saved that for the VMA's. That would be the right time and place.by Mrs.Sirius Black [RA]
i think it was ok that he was joking and stuff but to do it in front of a bunch of kids and stuff is kinda wrong. There were like 12 and 13 year olds watching even 11 year olds. And i think that for him to say that at those awards was wrong and kinda rude. It would be more acceptable for me if it were like at...idk the VMA's. Especially since the common Russel Brand made about JB last year.
Although i must say her face was priceless.by spyderby...
if this was the kids choice awards then i woulda been like woah that was not needed but this was for teeneagers. i like vanessa but if she didnt want people to talk about her being nude she shouldnt have been nade. when i watched that on yutube i almost peed myself laughing.
herface was priceless!!!!LMAO!!by MATHYA
Well, you pretty much give the answer. She thought she will come on the show, keep smiling and nobody would tell her.
She was embarassed and I find her nice again, and most of the people do. And as the time goes by, I found that really funny, especially "Phone are for phone calls, guurl!"by that brianna kid
it was just a joke and she really needed it coming since she just had more nude pics leaked and atleast he said it sorta like a joke and he wasn't like other people at award shows who bash people because he pretty much talked directly to her other times other people will just bash people and act like there not there which is kinda annoyingby Camryn
I love Dane Cook, and when I saw that, I think it isn't that bad. I mean, there are thousands of other people calling her a slut, and I have to admit I imagined her heart sinking. So, I am kinda' torn between both of them.by Brooke
vanessa Hudgens did have it coming. dane is a comedian, people. come on. i don't care for him or vanessa but i'm on dane's side. he souldn't apologize, imo. whatever though. :)by Lady B
I think that what dane cook said was true and hillarious! It was what was on everybody's mind and he actually had the guts to say it! Kuddos to Dane!!! Vanessa does need to take his advice and keep her clothes on!by Steven S
I personally think the 'joke' or public humiliation was a bit low and distastful for a comedian. I actually felt really sorry for her after the joke because her face just oozing embarassment which was definitely NOT funny. Poor girlby ♥Rebecca...
He's right I agree with Dane Cook, Vanessa Hudgens she shouldn't be like half nuked and everything it's wrong.by Dr. Doom
I hate Dane Cook, but I'm glad he's not apologizing for it. Stupid people get what they deserve.- Oh, I think that he could of did it backstage.
by PJ
i missed that part
Source: yahoo.com hollywooddame.com