She has been Seen Crapping Out Her Expensive Audi SUV. TMZ spotted Vanessa Hudgens yesterday as she was crapping out her expensive Audi SUV by getting a flat tire. There’s a also big huge collision dent on the right-front passenger’s side,but it’s unclear how that happened. They say Vanessa Hudgens severely scratched up the front of her very expensive Audi automobile. However,it’s unclear how the damage to the front passenger side of her new Audi occurred.
BTW... in December 2009t Vanessa Hudgens is suing a US website for posting a nade self-portrait of the High School Musical star.
Vanessa Hudgens is taking the owners of www.moejackson.com to court, claiming that the website posted and refused to remove nade 'self-portrait photographs' taken on a mobile phone in a private home.
Vanessa Hudgens Sues Over Nakd Pictures -Is She A Hypocrite?
The lawsuit says that Hudgens didn't know anything about the pictures or how the internet site managed to get them.
'The photos were obtained by unknown methods and posted on the internet by an unknown person without Hudgens' knowledge or consent,' the lawsuit explains.
However, the nade pictures were registered with the US Copyright Office.
Vanessa Hudgens' lawyers claim that posting the pictures is a copyright violation, but the company that owns the site, Butter Media are prepared to take it to the courts.
Vanessa Hudgens has filed a federal suit, asking for an injunction and ordered the site to take the pictures down. She is also claiming damages.